
Latin Name/Nombre Latino: Persea americana

Family: Lauraceae

Other names: Aguacate, Alligator pear, butter pear

Culinary use

The avocado is most often eaten raw, either on its own or in dips, salads, drinks, sauces and as garnishes, but it can also be cooked and is sometimes used in deserts and ice creams. It is the base of the Mexican dip guacamole and a common ingredient in sushi.

Medicinal use

Avocados are nutrient dense and have a high fat content. The fruit can help to lower cholesterol and its oils can be used to treat osteoarthritis. The seeds, leaves, and bark have traditionally been used to treat dysentery and diarrhea. Research has found that extracts of the leaves and fresh shoots have anti-cancerous properties.


Plants of the World Online

Useful Tropical Plants

Agroforestry Database


American Botanical Council