cacao pod


Latin Name: Theobroma cacao

Family: Malvaceae

Other names: Fruit of the Gods

Culinary use

Cacao beans, the seeds of the plant, are dried, fermented, and roasted to make cocoa, chocolate and cocoa butter. These are widely used for sweets, drinks, desserts, cakes, and ice creams as well as in savory stews and sauces. The pulp of the fruit can be eaten raw or made into juices and jellies. 

Medicinal use

Cacao is believed to stimulate the nervous system, lower blood pressure and promote blood flow. In traditional medicine, it has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including to help with heart and kidney problems, anemia, high blood pressure, and skin conditions. 


Plants of the World Online

Useful Tropical Plants

Agroforestree Database