

Latin Name/Nombre Latino: Musa x paradisiaca

Family: Musaceae

Other Names: Plantain

Culinary use

The banana is one of the most popular fruits over the world. Botanically a berry, it comes in many different varieties. It is often eaten raw, on its own or added to smoothies and deserts. It can also be cooked, for example steamed, baked or mashed, in curries, fried as fritters or chips. The blossom is also edible, raw or cooked, as is the inner stem, which can be boiled, or dried and made into a flour. Banana leaves are frequently used to wrap food for cooking or as a plate for food.


The fruit of the banana has a soothing effect on the gut and can help with digestion. All parts of the banana have been used in traditional medicines for managing a range of ailments, including bronchitis, digestive disorders, diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery and ulcers. The leaves have been used for soothing burns and other skin afflictions.


Plants of the World Online

Useful Tropical Plants

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry