Pineapple fruit growing on plant


Latin Name/Nombre Latino: Ananas comosus

Family: Bromeliaceae

Other Names: ananas

Culinary use

The fruit can be eaten raw, cooked, preserved. Eaten fresh or canned. Used commonly for juice. Succulent, aromatic, sweet, acidic pulp. Flowering stems can be cooked and eaten / added to stews.

Medicinal use

Pineapple fruits contain bromelain, a protein-splitting enzyme that aids digestion. Also used to treat sore throats. In Indian herbal medicine, used as a uterine tonic. Juice can be applied to burns, itches, and boils.

Other information:

Nutrients: Vitamin A, C

Origin: Brazil, Paraguay

Region: Tropics, subtropics

Other: Widely cultivated for its edible fruit, with commercial production in most tropical countries. The fruit is a multiple fruit formed by the fusion of 100-200 berry-like fruitlets. A succulent, herbaceous, perennial plant.


The ferns