
Dragonfruit growing on vine

Dragon Fruit

Latin Name: Selenicereus / Hylocereus undatus Family: Cactaceae Other names: Pitaya, pitahaya Culinary use Is usually eaten raw. Can be made into smoothies, fruit salads and ice cream. Medicinal use Used for diabetes, prediabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity. Helps digestion, boost immunity and reduces risks of cancer. SOURCES Plants of the World Online …

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Star fruit growing on plant

Star Fruit

Latin Name: Averrhoa Carambola Other name: Carambola Culinary use Can be eaten right off the tree, used in desserts, jams and other sweet dishes. Medicinal use Can help with headaches, fever, eczema and fungal infections.


Latin Name/Nombre Latino: Persea americana Family: Lauraceae Other names: Aguacate, Alligator pear, butter pear Culinary use The avocado is most often eaten raw, either on its own or in dips, salads, drinks, sauces and as garnishes, but it can also be cooked and is sometimes used in deserts and ice creams. It is the base …

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Latin Name/Nombre Latino: Musa x paradisiaca Family: Musaceae Other Names: Plantain Culinary use The banana is one of the most popular fruits over the world. Botanically a berry, it comes in many different varieties. It is often eaten raw, on its own or added to smoothies and deserts. It can also be cooked, for example steamed, …

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cacao pod


Latin Name: Theobroma cacao Family: Malvaceae Other names: Fruit of the Gods Culinary use Cacao beans, the seeds of the plant, are dried, fermented, and roasted to make cocoa, chocolate and cocoa butter. These are widely used for sweets, drinks, desserts, cakes, and ice creams as well as in savory stews and sauces. The pulp …

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mango growing on tree


Latin Name: Mangifera indica L. Family: Anacardiaceae Other names: Aam, manja Culinary use A sweet fruit, eaten raw, can be eaten alone or in dishes. Medicinal use The fruit is antiseptic for the body. High in vitamins and minerals. Sources Plants of the World Online Useful Tropical Plants Agroforestree Database

Papaya fruits, some cut open


Latin name: Carica Papaya Family: Caricaceae Other names: Latin name: Carica Papaya Family: Caricaceae Other names: Pawpaw Culinary use Eaten raw or cooked. Served fresh for breakfast, juices, desserts. Versatile fruit that can be preserved, dried, cooked in pie, made into jam, jellies, sherbets. Young leaves, shoots, and fruits cooked as a vegetable or into …

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Pineapple fruit growing on plant


Latin Name/Nombre Latino: Ananas comosus Family: Bromeliaceae Other Names: ananas Culinary use The fruit can be eaten raw, cooked, preserved. Eaten fresh or canned. Used commonly for juice. Succulent, aromatic, sweet, acidic pulp. Flowering stems can be cooked and eaten / added to stews. Medicinal use Pineapple fruits contain bromelain, a protein-splitting enzyme that aids …

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Cashew fruit hanging from a tree


Latin Name: Anacardium occidentale Family: Anacardiaceae Other names: Cajueiro, Acajuiba, Caju, Acajou, Maranon, Jambu Culinary use The commonly eaten cashew nut is the seed of the plant. It must be cooked and removed from its shell before eating due to the inner shells containing the toxic oil cardol. The nuts are commonly roasted and/or salted …

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Passionfruit growing on vine

Passion fruit

Latin Name: Passiflora edulis Family: Passifloraceae Other Names: Granadilla, Parcha Culinary use Eaten raw, juiced, or made into syrups and sauces. Popular drink in tropical regions. Often served with dessert like serbets, ice cream, cakes. Somewhat sweet and acidic. Medicinal use Used in herbal fusions to calm nerves and bring restful sleep, leaves used as a …

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