Re’em Jacob

Workshop Leader

Re’em holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Tel Aviv University. He worked in Lucent Bell Technologies and Avaya as the main programmer in the R&D kernel group. In 2000, he decided to move to Costa Rica to join a start-up company for green and alternative energy management as an engineer. After falling in love with mother nature’s creations exhibited to the full in this paradise, he decided to become an entrepreneur, designing and building alternative natural housing and other decorative concrete projects around his home in the southern Nicoya Peninsula where the rivers meet the sea.

He later designed and built a craft brewery called La Selva Cerveza Artesanal at the gates of Cabo Blanco, the first nature reserve in Costa Rica. Re’em is excited to be able to share his experiences and technical know-how with the local community through hands-on workshops.