
Water Apple

Latin Name: Syzygium jambosFamily: Myrtaceae culinary use The color is pink, yellow and with greenish tints. Its sweetness is also medium and is widely used as an accompaniment to savory recipes in general, as well as in salads. Medicinal use It is considered a tonic for the liver and brain. The preparation of the fruit in …

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Latin Name: Salvia hispanicaFamily: LamiaceaeOther Names: Salvia hispanica culinary use Chia seeds can be ground to make flour, pressed to obtain oil and can even be mixed with water and made into a drink. Flour made from these seeds can be used to make cakes or porridges. Chia seed oil can be used to make vinaigrettes …

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Suriname Cherry

Latin Name: Eugenia Uniflora Family: Herbaceus Other Names: Brazilian myrtle, Pytanga culinary use Its fruits are eaten directly from the tree or in the form of preserves, jams, salads, fresh fruit pulp and in salads, juices, ice cream, jellies and jams. They also produce a pleasant liqueur when macerated with alcohol. Medicinal use It helps to …

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Latin Name: HibisceaeFamiliy: Herbaceus culinary use Hibiscus leaves and flowers are a tasty addition to salads and vegetable dishes. The leaves can also be prepared as a garnish like spinach. The fully opened flowers give desserts and hearty dishes a fruity note. Medicinal use The fruit acids in Hibiscus sabdariffa may function as a laxative. Other …

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Latin Name: CeibaFamiliy: Malvaceae culinary use The seed is edible when cooked or roasted. The oil from the seeds is used to make soaps. Medicinal use The bark, leaves and stems of kapok are used to heal wounds and treat acne. It is also used to relieve symptoms of rheumatism, intestinal diseases, toothache, burns and rashes.

Pigeon Peas

Latin Name: Cajanus cajanFamiliy: Fabaceae culinary use Pigeon peas are a very nutritious food. It provides 26% protein and is ideal when combined with chicken, pork, chicken or rice. It is an excellent source of fiber and, compared to other legumes, it does not generate as much gas in the digestive tract. Medicinal use Pigeon pea …

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Soursop Fruit

Latin Name: Annona muricataFamily: HerbaceusOther names: Graviola, Guayano culinary use The fruit of soursop is extensively used in food industries for making icecream, candies, nectars, yoghurts, syrups, sherbets, canning, and for preparation of beverages. Medicinal use The seeds combat parasitic infections; the fruit is used for the treatment of arthritis, nervous disorders, and diarrhea; and the leaves …

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Mandarin Lime

Latin Name: Citrus AurantifoliaFamiliy: RutaceusOtros Nombres: Limon Paraguay, Limon misionero , Lima culinary use Culinary uses raw. Used in drinks and all types of food. A sweeter, less sour lime. Medicinal use Helps the immune system and helps fight colds and indigestion Other info Nutriente: Vitamin C, B6 and potassium Origin: India Soucres Plants of the World Online …

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Latin Name: Artocarpus altilis Family: Moraceae Culinary use Breadfruit can be used at all stages of development and prepared in many ways. The fruit and seeds can be eaten raw or cooked in a variety of ways, for example, boiled, fried or mashed and combined with meat or saltfish. It is also used in deserts …

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Eucalyptus branches


Latin Name/Nombre Latino: Eucalyptus globulus Family: Myrtaceae Other names: Blue gum Culinary use Flavouring and fragrance. Eucalyptus oil is used in flavouring. Cineole-based eucalyptus oil is used as a flavouring at low levels (0.002%) in various products, including baked goods, confectionery, meat products and beverages. Medicinal use It is found in many lozenges, cough syrups, …

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